An ebay seller from Canada is auctioning a battle. Yes, you heard me correctly. In the listing, the seller challenges people to bid, to see which gender, male or female, bids more. An excerpt from the listing reads "Who is more generous??? Male or Female???
Its a competition against the sexes!!", and it continues later with "Calling all Males and Females to battle it out in this auction! Let the bidding war begin!". This isn't the first time the seller has held this type of auction either. There's a scorecard on the listing, keeping score from previous auctions of who won then, male or female, and for how much. The scorecard displays females as winning 4 auctions, with a total of $412 in bids, and males winning 2 auctions, with a total of $140. Basically, this person's profiting off competitiveness! Now why didn't I think of that!?
Starting Bid: $59.00
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